We are happy to make you happy!!!

surprise birthday gift from wife to hubby..

this pic: happily engaged.... and now happily married!!! congrats!!

happy smile of him...

*just let us make your day!!!

From Mamasu with LOVE....

oh i really heart this pic... she is Mamasu's niece and still young!! haha.. sibuk SPM yeh skarang? Mamasu is our new customer actually and she ordered this for her niece's belated birthday present.. sporting sungguh Mamasu kan kan kan???
just ignore the transparent plastic wrapper...

that 'love' symbol is designed by framekasih to show the 'love' from mamasu to her niece!! haha.. to mamasu, we hope you and your niece LOVE the frame!!

p/s: we can put any 'text' on that frame, but please make sure it's short and simple!!! TQ readers!!!



It's Wedding time.. and the right time to choose the right gift!!!!

Another wedding frames!!!

So beautiful kan? macam kerabat raja gitu..heheheh....

this one ordered by my oldfriend - Maizatul Adilah for her friend's wedding gift!!!

oh tips lagi.... if u decided to choose 'framekasih' for your friend's wedding gift, it's better for you to ask your friend for the actual size pic... just tell them that u're planning to give them something yang sangat lovely and valuable..hihi... jgn curi2 from their facebook or blogs (i bet they resized their pic)!! we need actual size pic which is 700KB and above!! the bigger the better!!!

another frames...

i'm sorry for not updating this blog for quite a long time..huhu...i'm not feeling well lately.. but orders are still open for u guys!!! no worries.. u can still email your favourite photo to me coz i check email almost everyday!!! (except weekend..hehehe)...

i'll try my best to update this blog regularly.. for now, i just upload 2 frames for u to view..heheh.. my customer from Johor ordered this (sephia)

my customer Nurul (who's still studying overseas) asked me to post this frame to her parents for their wedding anniversary gift... so sweet kan????? and i'm glad her parents like it so much!!

MALE AND FEMALE customers....

oh this is another 'male' customer... hahaha... seriously, i jarang dpt customer lelaki... usually perempuan lebih alert utk order2 frame nie.. tp surprisingly, they (male) sent great pic and it is easy dealing with them .. tp customer lelaki suke tanye tanye tanye!!! hahahah.... eh i'm not saying that customer pompuan tak bagus ok!!!! infact my female customer lah paling ramaiiiiii order ngn i...... hahaha... ok, back to the story, i don't know this guy, he ordered this frame for himself or as a gift to his friend.. whatever it is, u chose great pic to be framed.... i just love it!! something different and fresh!!
oh, please excuse this lil' girl yang tetiba menyemak kat sini..hahaha...
hahah...just ignore this lil girl annoying face....

ok next story......

yang ni my customer Anese yang order... i delivered earlier than planned, coz she's going to promote the frames during her open house!! hahahah... (alah awal baper hari je).. and luckily i free sket.. so tak kisah lah awal sehari dua...

heheh... pandai posing..

oh sorry, i kelam kabut.... dah wrap dgn clear plastic wrapper baru ingat nak snap!!!

anese with her kids....

ok lah... that's all for now!!! i'm quite busy since i've to reply emails and update the list of orders!!!! happy viewing!!!!

Meeting my customers...

we usually deliver the frames during weekends.... and the first pic here is.... my hubby's friend!!!! he was searching for canvas frame actually, and he found my blog...and he was shocked to know that 'this guy' next to him is actually my husband... hahaha.... nak discount yeh? yes we can give you discount, but you have to order at least 5 frames!!! hihihiiiiii.... oh that frame is for his lovely wife belated birthday present... hope she likes it.... -the wife-
ahh.. yang ni pulak my friendly customer... sgt friendly sampai i rasa sgt comfortable beborak sakan!!! .... pic of her daughter!!! nice meeting you!!! sorry gambar kita blur!!

her daughter's first pic

2nd pic
love her smile....

will deliver this tomorrow.....

i love this as well... nicely captured...

auwwww *smooch smooch*

p/s: sorry to my other customers... i tak sempat snap terus deliver!!! huhuhuuuuu... been very busy lately!!!!

Frame your best picture with friends...

still in Hari Raya mood... but business is still on guys!!... how's your Raya celebration?... as for us, we celebrated Hari Raya like others juga... simple2 sajee....

ok in this entry i would like to share with you the pic of Anny (my BFF) when she received a gift from me, it's a gift for her belated birthday.... really hope that she likes it... it's a pic of Natra, saya and Anny the b'day girl... (best buddies) we took this pic when we were having our holiday at Port Dickson few months back... i think this is the best pic of us and i should frame it and give it to her.. so she will not forget me ever... hahahaaaa..she's my friend, she's my supporter, she will always be there for me.... and she is my Anny!!!

Anny with her frame

so what are u waiting for.. still searching for the right birthday gift to be given to your bestfriend? still not too late for you to frame your pic with your beloved friends and i bet this will be the best pressie ever!!!!! drop me an email at framekasih@yahoo.com now!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2009

(my daughter Acih with few frames would like to wish you guys "selamat hari rayeeeee!!")

Kami mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Dan Batin dari Framekasih utk semua!!!!...

Maaf sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa, tersilap bicara, menimbulkan rasa ketidak-puas-hatian, ketidak perfect-an, tersinggung dan halalkan mana yg terlebih dan terkurang dari kami....

Have a safe jouney home ya!!! drive safely..... semoga kita semua diberkati di bulan yg mulia ini... Amin....

We still receive order during Hari Raya (for after-raya delivery of course!)..... oh ya... u guys can snap as many pics during Hari Raya and email the pics to us... we can make your dreams come true!! hahahaha... for family frame maybe? hurry..hurry... first come first serve... lambat send lambat lah deliver... hihihii.... make sure your pic must be 700KB and above ok!!! do email us ;)

Meeting Customers..

we usually meet our customers to deliver frames during weekends.. normally we meet them at shah alam or ampangpoint on saturdays... and every sunday we'll be at Subang Parade.. let's see my pics with my beloved customers...
me with yiyen and her momma.. so cute kan yiyen???

this is Azza.... we met several times before (at birthday parties) but i didn't recognize her.. silly me!

eh what happen to your daughter azza? malu yeh?? waaa dlm frame kemain pose!!! hahaha..(azza, thank you for the cute hairclip..acih loves it to the max).. hehe..

*ok lah.. that's all for now.. thank you azza and yati(mama yiyen)... oh to customers yg lain..next time we snap photos yeh? (maluuu)..heheh..

More Frames Updated... Happy Viewing...

Selamat Berpuasa to all ye... as for us.. eventhough bulan puasa.. kerja tetap kerja... work is work!.. i've promised my customers to deliver their frames one week before Hari Raya... u guys can still send me your pic for after raya delivery..hehehe..... we'll just celebrating Hari Raya here in Kuala Lumpur...

oh here i uploaded few frames for you guys... again, i can't upload all of them... just to give idea for you guys!! come, come... have a look!!!

oh so chubby kan kan? i love his pose... and of course his smile...
my customer from Bangi ordered these to replace her old-flower-frame...we hope u like the frames and of course i would suggest you to invite us for Hari Raya open house!!! hahahahah... acah jerr....heheheheh.. i can't seperate them coz i love all the pose!
we printed on A2 size and wrap it on 11.5"x17" wood frame... u can refer at my sidebar with the title (FRAME SPECIFICATION)..that's why i need space on top/bottom/left and right for me to fold...

my customer wanted me to frame her anak dara's cheeky pic... comel kan? u're so talented lah cheeky model!!! u really know how to pose.. mak ajar yeh??..hahahahha

my repeat customer, thank you Fiza..

will post this by next week..

wedding pic

thick b&w frame..
Frame Thick : 4.3cm

oh ohhh..i love these two frames as well...

*just wanna give you our tips, if your frame is much more in black like yiyen's frame (above).. it's ok for you to hang on white feature wall...
*but if the frame is like this frame above (white), i would suggest you to paint your feature wall with darker paint.. any colours would be ok accept white....hope these tips are usefull for you out there. ;)

ok, i'm out to deliver frames... babaiiiiiii... see you in my next entry....

framekasih would like to wish you Happy Ramadhan!!!!...

Me bizi with my frame biz..

ok.. these are few pics me bz doing my frame biz... the pics captured using phone ;)
double check orders from customers..
we were running out of time.. so we have to bring all the frames together with us.. sometimes at ampang..and sometimes at Shah Alam.. fuh? tiring kan?
we give full commitment for our customers satisfaction of course!!!

sometimes we've to reject orders because the pic that u guys sent is not acceptable..we will ask our customer to find another good pic and resend to us...we will make sure our customers love it and they will keep coming back and order more..haha..

that's all for now.. Selamat Berpuasa from Framekasih!!!

Few Frames....

oh nie ada few frames lagi for you to check out... dah delivered dah... ada yg tak upload your frames kat sini..coz gambar2 tu mebi kat lappy... so mana yg ada jek i buh sket2 yer... pic above is Kak Lia's son... ada lagi dua frame.. i tak upload sumer... tp Kak Lia nie cantekkkk orangnye... anak dah 3 pon still cun lagik.. Petua??? oh pindah rumah... penat..dlm 1 week leh turun 4kg..haha.. jom pindah umah jom?.. hihi.. just joking Kak Lia... nice to meet u!!!
ordered by Lily from Shah Alam.. but she was warded in the hospital and her cousin met Mr. Radie to collect the frame.. tq.. get well soon dear!

ordered by Ninie for her friend's birthday... sempat tak??? hahahah...

ohhh sweet smile of her kan?.. my customer from MOF.. (ooopsss i baru nak deliver lunch time today).. tp pic dah upload dulu kat sini.... heheheheh.. another 2 frames tu lah yg i surprise kan u yer)...
oh this frame ordered by Mas (my cyber-friend).. masa time2 FP dulu... we still keep in touch.. and i met her to deliver this frame last two weeks kot... woohoooooooooo.... dah slim giler... *jeles*... u look great Mas....
ordered by Kina... what a pose kan?? hahah.. not her bf yerrrr.... for their college mate ke aper mcm tu... i hope he didn't get mad coz u guys stole his pic from his lappykan?.. pegi mintak maap kat dia cpt!!!!! hehehehhe...
that's all for now!!!! tq for viewing.....
p/s: we still accept booking for Raya. Last delivery is one week before Raya... (make sure to order 2 weeks before delivery date)