these are few examples

OMG she's super duper cute..half chinese half malay ;)
in Cheongsam

just fyi... if you've a session with a photographer, please request/ask for the original picture.. (before resize pic) the bigger the pixel, the better result you'll get from us ;)
make sure we reply your email within 3 days, if you don't get any reply from us, hope you can re-email to us..
if possible, please send in JPEG format
please leave your contact no and address so we can arrange for the meet-up (by hand delivery)
if you're going to make payment using maybank2u, just add our email address so that we'll receive the notification from maybank or else just scan/email/sms (whatever method as a proof of payment)
we will only process the frame after we receive payment from you
if there's no feed back within one month, we have to delete the picture you sent and assume u're not interested... but we will always accept new orders if you come back to us.. no worries ;)
tqvm and have a nice day ;)