Happy belated birthday to Anuar Zain.. the most popular male artist here in Malaysia!!!!! and i heard AZ loves the frame and already hanged it in his own room... hehehhh....

seeeeeee... hensem kan kan kan??

ordered by Nana, Remy, Rifqy, Rayyan, Ijai, Zaza and Opie.... thank you for ordering with us... and thank you for your trust!!!!

Remy and Nana..... with their present to Anuar Zain..

we are happy that we can 'contribute' something....

so... how about you guys out there??? need something special for someone special? just email us at framekasih@yahoo.com and we will help you.....
p/s: i cannot check you email from 5th March till 8th March.... will reply your email later!!! thank you.....